Rico Edwards

I am a graphic painter with a wide variety of work, my range stretching in different mediums to where I have work for any type of clientele. However, one of the topics I would say I'm mostly interested in and recognized for is my work dealing with social injustices and the harsh realities of Black Americans. When putting these projects out into the world, my focus is uplifting those who look like me and educating those who do not, because for whatever reason those who do not look like me have a difficult time grasping the concept that we live in two different Americas. I'm going to repeat that: those who do not look like me have a hard time grasping the concept that we live in two different Americas. Everyone has an opinion about something they do not understand, everyone wants to be a part of something they should not be a part of; meaning everyone who does not look like me should respectfully mind their business and let us live in peace.

Stop harassing us, stop belittling us, stop silencing our voices, stop passing laws that keep us oppressed, stop gentrification, stop stealing our culture and calling it your own, stop capitalizing off our trauma, the list goes on which is why I put so much energy into my work.

So as an Artist I've made it my universal responsibility to uplift those around me, to share their stories when they don't have a voice or a platform to do so.

Furthermore, needless to say my work isn't for everyone. My work is not meant to be watered down or dissected. My work is raw and straight to the point; if there's something about the subject matter that isn't articulated then there's a slight chance the viewer is a part of the problem. For example, if I produce a typography painting that reads "DON'T TOUCH OUR F***IN' HAIR," then what about that project needs to be explained? Simple, raw and straight to the point.

On a more lighthearted side, I recently produced a series of projects titled "HOUSTON 3021." This series was a graphic depiction of Houston 1,000 years into the future, more so leaning towards an Anime style of work since there's little to no brown representation in the field. This isn't a deep series of work, no super deep or hidden meaning; just a lighthearted series of projects.

Rico Edwards is an Artist/Entrepreneur based in Houston, working in acrylics, graphic and product design, sculpting, tattooing and clothing design. Originally a New Orleans native, his family moved to Houston after the impact of Hurricane Katrina, remaining in Houston because it provided opportunities for better education which they felt they couldn't find in New Orleans.