Kimberly Lakes
Although I am A Stranger, somewhat shy, reserved and nestled in my shell to many people, I am okay being isolated in my home studio engaged in creative production and discovering the art of gardening, growing herbs and veggies.
The stay at home and social distancing orders imposed by the birth and propagation of the Corona virus has detoured my life journey. Many people have died from the virus, including my beloved dad, thus for him, marking passage into the afterlife and for me, life with memories of "Me and Daddy."
A Stranger

I was sitting alone in the park
Under a tree
Suddenly a small child appeared next to me
Something about this child seemed soooo very strange
Listen carefully while I explain
This child had no skin color that I could see
Its eyes were not the colors, black, brown, blue, gray, or green
They were the color of LOVE
I cannot explain
After a few quiet moments, I asked the child's name
The child answered as soft might a dove
My first name is PEACE
My last name is LOVE
Me and Daddy
I remember
When I was a little girl
My daddy use to take me everywhere he went
A Lot of times he would take me to Franklin Park or over to Granny's house
Sometimes he would take me in the bars with him
And let ME play on the pinball machine
I remember
When I was a little girl
My daddy got me ready for my first day of school and when I got
lost, he came to my rescue
I remember
When I was a little girl
Me and my daddy would TALK
We'd TALK about EVERYTHING that daddies and little girls would talk about
We'd talk about the do's and don'ts, the will and won'ts, the
when and where and ALL the why and how's
I remember
When I was a little girl
Me and my daddy would stay up and watch the late movie every Friday night and when I would fall asleep, he'd carry me to my bed
I remember
When I was a little girl
Me and my daddy and all the good times we had.
Even though he's gone
I'll always remember the time I spent with dad.
Kimberly Lakes is a native of Columbus, Ohio, and resides in Spring, Texas.