To Mask

To mask, or not to mask? That is the question.
There is so much information on masking.
Initially it was very confusing.
—Wear a mask only if you are sick.
—Don't wear a mask if you are not sick.
—Wear a mask if you think you are sick.
—Wear a mask if you have been exposed to the virus.
—Wear a mask if you think you may have been exposed to the virus.

By the first week in April the message was:
—Everyone should wear a mask.

I wasn't paying that much attention until the person who was selected by the Electoral College to be the 45th President of the United States said that he wasn't going to wear a mask because it would look bad to visiting dignitaries to the Oval Office.
Who is going to visit these days?

During all White House press conferences, the vain leader is not wearing a mask. He is constantly touching the microphone. His minions are not wearing masks and everyone behind the podium is not staying 6 feet away from anyone.
Do as I say, not as I do.

I will do whatever he's NOT doing.

A few weeks ago, my husband was throwing out about 20 pairs of his old socks. I'm not sure why. They were all the same brand and style and color. He loves his socks. When he asked me if I wanted them, I hesitated—but me not wanting to throw anything away, I took them—thinking I could make something out of them one day—a sock snake maybe.

I cut off all the foot parts and threw them away. I saved the section above the ankle. I put the sock tops into a box—another potential project.

After hearing the leader of our country say at a press conference that wearing a mask was voluntary—only because he wasn't going to do it, I watched the video of the very handsome Surgeon General, Jerome Adams, make a face covering in 45 seconds out of a t-shirt and rubber bands.
A mask!
I thought I could do better.

The socks seemed like a perfect solution—just the right size. All I needed was elastic, which I knew I had somewhere, but I wasn't sure where. I thought I would try Walgreens. They used to sell sewing notions. Apparently their customers don't have a need for elastic anymore, but the hair products aisle is full of scünci items—covered rubber bands in all sizes—the perfect solution!

It's Thursday now. More people are wearing masks than ever before. It has become the new normal. I'm wearing my mask out of respect for the workers at the grocery store and the pharmacy, which are about the only places I go to. I like my sock mask. Daniel does too.

Kathleen Packlick lives and works in Houston, Texas.